Privacy Policy

Orbis Mortgage Group is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of our clients’ personal information while adhering to governmental regulations enforced by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). As financial service providers, we hold a professional obligation to uphold the confidentiality of information obtained within our role. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform clients about the collection, use, safeguards, and avenues for addressing privacy-related matters or concerns.

What Constitutes Personal Information?

We highly value the trust placed in us by our clients to safeguard the confidential details gathered during their mortgage application, pre-approval, inquiries for mortgages or loans, insurance requests, or any other product-related interactions with Orbis Mortgage Group or its affiliates. This information is collected by Orbis Mortgage Group staff, loan originators, associates, or affiliates on behalf of Orbis.

Why Groupe Hypothécaire Orbis Collects Personal Information

Orbis Mortgage Group collects and uses Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • Providing mortgage brokerage services and offering products tailored to clients’ needs, including arranging and renewing loans/mortgages, informing clients about group creditor insurance and other products offered or approved by Orbis Mortgage Group or its affiliates.
  • Assessing client creditworthiness through credit bureau inquiries and personal information agents.
  • Advising clients on financial options and industry developments.
  • Auditing the services provided to clients
  • Compliance with municipal, provincial, federal, and other applicable laws.
  • Communicating other specific purposes to clients before collecting such personal information. Unless permitted by law, we only use clients’ personal information for identified purposes and take reasonable steps to inform clients of any new purposes before utilization.
How Do We Collect Personal Information?

Clients are our primary source of information. Therefore, we require clients’ consent to obtain information directly from third parties to assess eligibility and qualification for various financial products and services. Consent is crucial, as it enables us to conduct necessary inquiries and offer appropriate credit products. Consent is typically obtained through specific product forms or occasionally through separate consent forms. The consent process complies with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Orbis Mortgage Group loan originators are obligated to obtain proper consent from each client applying for credit facilities. Failure to do so may result in access suspension to credit reporting agencies and reporting to regulating parties.


Clients’ provision of Personal Information to Orbis Mortgage Group signifies their agreement and consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of such information in compliance with this Privacy Policy. Orbis Mortgage Group will not collect, use, or disclose clients’ Personal Information without requisite consent, except in extraordinary circumstances. Withdrawal of consent may affect our ability to provide mortgage services, and clients will be informed of the implications. Clients may withdraw consent by providing written notice to the Chief Privacy Officer.

Attn: Theodore Kyres, President
Groupe Hypothécaire Orbis
285 Place d’Youville suite 9
Montréal, QC H2Y 2A4
Phone: 514-313-0108

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Orbis Mortgage Group utilizes clients’ personal information to provide financial advice and services, administer our database, engage in direct marketing activities, and fulfill other purposes outlined under the section “Why Orbis Mortgage Group Collects Personal Information.” In certain instances, Orbis Mortgage Group may disclose clients’ personal information to third parties. Specifically, personal information may be shared with members of Orbis Mortgage Group, witnesses in litigation proceedings, experts engaged on a client’s behalf, private investigators, agents representing a client, credit reporting agencies, credit bureaus, and other necessary third parties to facilitate matters for which the client has retained our services and provided consent. Orbis Mortgage Group may disclose personal information under circumstances such as:

  • When required or authorized by law, such as in response to a subpoena issued by a court.
  • With the client’s consent, which may be implied in certain situations, such as when providing mortgage services requiring disclosure to a lender in a real estate mortgage transaction.
  • To pull a credit bureau for processing a mortgage transaction.
  • When engaging a third party to provide administrative or support services, provided the third party adheres to our Privacy Policy.
  • For the protection of Orbis’s best interests or the public interest, such as reporting criminal activity like fraud or money laundering to authorities.
  • When retaining a law firm to act on our behalf.
  • If the information is already publicly known.
Limiting collection and retention of Personal Information

Orbis Mortgage Group limits the collection of clients’ Personal Information to what is necessary for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy or for any additional purpose communicated to the client before collection. Personal Information is not used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was originally collected, except with the client’s consent or as permitted by law.


Orbis Mortgage Group strives to maintain the accuracy, completeness, and currency of clients’ Personal Information for the purposes it is used. Agents are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of information submitted for transactions, including confirming clients’ identities and meticulously reviewing all relevant documentation.


Orbis Mortgage Group employs various measures to safeguard clients’ Personal Information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. These measures include physical security, computer and electronic security, information destruction, and contractual protections with third-party data processors.


Client lists are not disclosed to third parties except for affiliated members of Orbis Mortgage Group. Employees and agents are required to respect the confidentiality of client information, and access is limited to those who require it for their work.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Orbis Mortgage Group periodically reviews and revises its privacy practices and policies, with any updates promptly announced on this page.

Orbis Mortgage Group Website

Our website may contain links to other sites not governed by this Privacy Policy. We monitor site traffic and usage to optimize our web service, but any aggregated information provided to third parties does not include identifiable personal information. Agent websites are required to display head office address, contact information, and broker license numbers assigned by AMF, with quarterly reviews conducted for compliance.

Communicating with Orbis Mortgage Group

While we offer various means of communication for convenience, clients concerned about security may discuss alternative arrangements with their consultant, broker, or agent. We use industry-standard encryption for email communication, but clients should be aware of potential security risks.

Attn: Theodore Kyres, President
Groupe Hypothécaire Orbis
285 Place d’Youville suite 9
Montréal, QC H2Y 2A4
Phone: 514-313-0108

Security and data storage

All agents and loan originators are required to take reasonable measures to safeguard the personal data provided by clients. Original documentation is securely stored in premises inaccessible to the public. Upon completion of a file, any unnecessary documentation is promptly returned to the client. Original documentation obtained from clients is submitted to head office in either hardcopy or electronic format prior to transaction closure. While agents may retain file copies, they are responsible for ensuring the protection of all confidential and private information.

It is important to note that all files are the property of Orbis Mortgage Group. Although loan originators and agents may retain data for marketing purposes, clients’ information belongs to Orbis Mortgage Group.

Any documentation no longer required must be shredded immediately. Electronic documentation must be password protected, and laptops containing client files must not be left unattended in public areas.

Head Office is responsible for ensuring the security of client file data. Scanned documentation must be adequately protected and cataloged. All client and personnel records are stored in locked cabinets or secured electronic formats. Computers at head office are password protected, and data is regularly backed up to an external/mobile hard drive stored off-site in a secure location. Scanned documents are either shredded immediately or stored in a locked secure cabinet until shredded by a third party, such as Iron Mountain, which we currently utilize.

File retention

Completed mortgage files are retained for six years past the mortgage maturity date. Non-mortgage related documentation is kept on file for six years. Documentation related to canceled or incomplete files is maintained for a minimum of one year, with the consent form retained for three years to comply with credit reporting agency requirements. Hard copies are shredded after the specified retention period.


Upon receiving a complaint from a consumer or investor, the Complaints Officer (or designate) initiates an immediate investigation. If the complaint pertains to a completed file, existing documentation is reviewed, and the complaint is forwarded to the specific agent or broker for comment. If the complaint pertains to a file in progress, the agent or broker responsible for the file is contacted, and a joint review is conducted. The Complaints Officer responds to all complaints verbally within 48 hours and follows up with a written response promptly. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be achieved, the matter is suggested for referral to AMF. All complaint documentation is retained in accordance with file handling requirements and maintained in each agent’s Human Resources files at Orbis Mortgage Group head office.

Complaints can be made directly on the Orbis website: